Medical & Surgical Illustrations | Cervical Spine

Case Type:

Motor Vehicle Accident

Area of Injury:

Cervical Spine

Overall Objective:

Attorney Linda Armatti-Epstein from Jacoby & Meyers hired TTS to create Medical & Surgical Illustrations of her client’s cervical spine injuries and subsequent surgeries. 

Our Work on the Case

Exhibit 1

This Medical Illustration showcases injuries to the C4-5, and C5-6 levels of the cervical spine. 

Exhibit 2

This illustration depicts steroid injections into the cervical spine at the C4-5 level.

Exhibit 3

This Surgical Illustration portrays an anterior cervical discectomy, along with removal of disc fragments.

Exhibit 4

Illustration showing placement of allograft plug, metal plate and screws.

Exhibit 5

This illustration shows central disc herniations both above and below surgical plate and screws. 

Exhibit 6

This image depicts the placement of lateral screws into the cervical spine and a C3-C6 laminectomy. 

Exhibit 7

Illustration showcasing hardware installment, along with bone graft placement. 

Exhibit 8

This image illustrates a disc bulge with nerve impingement of the lumbar spine. 

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