$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
Total Trial Biographies take you inside the lives of personal injury plaintiffs, offering the information and insight you need to maximize the value of your case. Our goal is to reveal the complete set of damages to the lives of accident victims, and to provide you with evidence to support claims of both tangible and intangible losses.
Total Trial Biographers take pride in connecting attorneys and claimants. We specialize in writing biographies on personal injury plaintiffs. Total Trial Biographers take you to the next level of showcasing damages in your personal injury cases.
Biographies offer a true understanding of what accident victims experience – physically, emotionally, and psychologically. We work one on one with these individuals to ensure all of the damages are properly assessed and accounted for.
Biographers spend hours with claimants gathering information about the things most important to them – their families, jobs, activities, and goals. We collect information about their injuries, medical care, pain and suffering, loss of mobility, as well as residual symptoms. Biographers are trained to work with clients and assist them in identifying changes in lifestyle and activities of daily living. Professional Biographers interview lay witnesses and gather information and evidence to support claims.
TTS Biographers are trained to uncover damages unique to your client, and show evidence of such. We account for all the economic and non-economic damages your client is entitled to.
Biographers know what questions to ask to get the answers and evidence needed to illuminate damages unique to your case. Our experts are trained to retrieve information that will most resonate with a jury.
Telling your client’s story is a responsibility no attorney should take lightly. Introducing your client’s story should be an important part of your trial prep. How can you best introduce your client? What information will have the most profound impact on your jury? The answers to these questions lie within a Client Biography.
If you’ve ever wondered how a jury will perceive your client you should consider a Client Interview Video for Focus Group Testing. Client Interview Videos allow you to put your client on film talking about themselves, their families, their jobs, their injuries, the damages they’ve suffered, and more. A group of mock jurors will be presented with the clips and asked for their feedback.
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
$3.5M Settlement | Construction | New York This case involves the failure of a general contractor/property owner to ensure that their subcontractor’s
$12.75M Settlement | Premises Liability | Pennsylvania This case involves a delivery driver who fell approximately nine feet from an elevated platform
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