Background Investigations
& Searches

At Total Trial Solutions, we perform a variety of searches and investigations to assist your cases with unbiased knowledge. Please click on the links below to learn more about each service or contact us today to get started.

Defense Expert Searches

TTS understands just how powerful discrediting the defense’s expert can be. Our multi-layer background searches can arm you with information to expose your adversary’s expert.  

Social Media Investigations

Total Trial Solutions knows the world is changing the way information is shared. We offer the most up to date Social Media Investigations in the industry.

Total Trial Solutions - Social Media Investigations - Background Investigations and Searches

Weather Investigations

Our top-quality weather investigative services will give you the evidence you need to show that weather played a factor in your case. 

Government Database Searches

Allow our team to gather information from some of the largest and most trusted databases that will reveal information that can help your case. 

Total Trial Solutions - Government Database Searches - DMV Searches - Background Investigations and Searches
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