$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
At Total Trial Solutions, our staff is highly trained in several areas surrounding litigation, but one aspect that separates us from our competitors is the insight and expertise into the medical field, and more importantly, into the questions of medicine that impact your cases.
Our dedicated research staff can provide you with expert options that have proven knowledge on the issues that matter in your case. We interview and background check each expert, and we can coordinate the initial consultation.
We use Legal Nurse Consultants to review the details of your case. We review your cases for merit, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and provide medical opinions regarding treatment, standards of care, and much more.
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
$3.5M Settlement | Construction | New York This case involves the failure of a general contractor/property owner to ensure that their subcontractor’s
$12.75M Settlement | Premises Liability | Pennsylvania This case involves a delivery driver who fell approximately nine feet from an elevated platform
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