Forensic Animations

Total Trial Solutions will provide case-specific 3D mechanism of injury animations and intricate medical animations that clearly present the most important facts to educate your audience and accurately depict detailed information.

"It was the centerpiece of the expert's testimony."
Andrew Finkelstein
Personal Injury Attorney

Animation Examples

stock picker Incident resulting in death

Traumatic Brain injury from Slip and Fall

18-wheeler side swipes car leaving driver with neck injuries

neck injury from falling box

Right ventricle punCture

rear end crash with ankle and shoulder injuries

Right shoulder repair surgery

rear end crash with neck and lower back injuries

Car hits pedestrian causing traumatic brain injury

Esophageal Tear

ladder Product liability with wrist and ankle injuries

Thoracic Spinal fusion

What is a Forensic Animation?

A Forensic Animation is a demonstrative aide used to aid and assist a lay witness or an expert’s testimony.  It’s a simple way to present complex and difficult information that may otherwise be confusing or overly burdensome to explain.

When should a Forensic Animation be created and used?

A Forensic Animation should be considered for all phases of litigation including evaluation, arbitration, focus groups, mediation, and trial. It can help both the attorney and expert determine the merit of their case, define key issues, and even reveal details or challenges previously overlooked now that you can see what is happening based on the evidence.

How can a Forensic Animation increase the value of your Case?

Animations have been proven to increase the opportunity for early settlement and for a higher value by making it clear the attorney is preparing and investing in their case. It fully communicates to the defendant that you are ready and willing to pursue the case further. Animations also engage your intended audience by grabbing the viewer’s more immediate attention than conventional static exhibits or mere words.

How would a Forensic Animation get admitted as evidence?

Most attorneys get animations into trial as demonstrative evidence used to aid and assist witness testimony. Demonstrative evidence inherently carries no independent probative value and is used for five general purposes:
1. Educate your audience

2. Explain something

3. Persuade your audience of something

4. Dissuade your audience of something

5. Reinforce something your audience already believes

More technical computer-generated evidence that involves advanced calculations or evidentiary conclusions have higher standards. We can work with experts and do those as well; however, 99%+ of the Forensic Animations are demonstrative in nature, even when they are used by expert witnesses.
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