Medical Illustration | Cervical & Lumbar Disc Bulges & Herniations

Case Type:

Slip, Trip and Fall

Area of Injury:

Neck and Back 

Overall Objective:

Attorney Michael Feldman of Jacoby & Meyers was looking to demonstrate the nature of his client’s injuries, which included cervical disc bulges and lumbar disc hernations. 

Our Work on the Case

Exhibit 1

Injury illustration showing the sagittal and axial views of a diffuse degenerative cervical disc disease with Luschka hypertrophy and encroachment of foramina. 

Exhibit 2

Injury illustration showing the sagittal and axial views of the client’s lumbar injuries, which included diffuse osteopenia with grade 2 anterolisthesis of L4 on L5, bilateral spondylolysis
with pars interarticularis defects, a narrowing of the L4-L5 intervertebral disc space, and facet arthropathy at L5-S1. 

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