Subpoena Tracking

Our Expertise

Missing records? Our staff will follow-up on outstanding subpoenas to ensure the records you need are available at the courthouse. Expert trained Records Specialists will ensure your client’s records are complete and certified at the courthouse before trial begins – saving you time, money, and resources.

Our trained specialists will make calls to the provider and determine the delay in records shipment. 

Your Client Deserves The Best Team

over 10 years of experience

Steps for Successful Subpoena Tracking

Serve the Subpoena

Missing records? Our staff will follow up on outstanding subpoenas to ensure the records you need are available at the courthouse. Expert trained Records Specialists ensure your client’s records are complete and certified at the courthouse before trial begins – saving you time, money, and resources.


Total Trial Solutions - Serving the Subpoena -
Subpoena Tracking - Making Calls to Locate Subpoena Records

Locate the Records

TTS will make calls, faxes, and emails to locate the subpoenaed records and ensure they are certified and at the courthouse by the desired date. 

Once all records are at the courthouse – TTS will send a trained representative to obtain copies of all records. We will review what has arrived at the courthouse and which providers have failed to adhere to the subpoena. At this point, we will reach out to the providers who failed to send in the requested records.

At the attorneys request, we can produce trial binders that include all the bates numbered documents organized in any desired format.

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