$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
Slip and Fall
Right Hand w/surgery
Total Trial Solutions was approached by the law firm Finkelstein & Partners to help illustrate damages to the client’s right hand after their client slipped on broken blacktop in a Verizon Wireless parking lot.
The case settled for $625,000.
This is a combination of a diagnostic test colorization and a medical illustration showing a distal radial ulnar joint effusion. The triangular fibrocartilage complex is torn in the vicinity of its radial attachment.
Illustration showing right wrist arthrosopy, debridement of the triangle fiber cartiladge, debridement of the scapholunate ligament, chrondoplasty of the scaphoid and chrondoplasty of the lunate.
Illustration showing a separate right wrist arthroscopy including debridement of the triangular fibrocartilage, synovectomy and chondroplasty of the lunate, triquetrum and chondroplasty of the lunate fossa of the radius.
Surgical illustration depicting operative procedure to correct a right ulnar impaction syndrome with instability to distal radioulnar joint. The surgery shown is a right ulnar shortening osteotomy.
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
$3.5M Settlement | Construction | New York This case involves the failure of a general contractor/property owner to ensure that their subcontractor’s
$12.75M Settlement | Premises Liability | Pennsylvania This case involves a delivery driver who fell approximately nine feet from an elevated platform
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