Mediation Clips

Mediation is your opportunity to present the facts of  your case and reach an agreement with opposing counsel before the onset of costly trials. Support your claims with clips from a  TTS Focus Group. 

These clips will allow you to demonstrate how jurors really feel about your client, the facts in their case, and how much compensation jurors feel that your client should be awarded, to the opposing counsel. 


Mediation Clips send a powerful message

How it works:

Focus Group Moderators work one-on-one with attorneys to customize a presentation that meets their needs. We record every Focus Group using a 360° camera, which zooms in on jurors when they speak. We capture verbal and non-verbal responses to questions and information vital to your case. From this recording, we can cut clips for your use at mediation. 


Why it works:

Focus Groups are strategically customized to gain insight and perspective on certain aspects of your case. If you know opposing counsel is focusing in on a certain issue, present that issue to a Focus Group. They may feel it’s not important at all. 

Further, hearing a potential juror explain why they would award your client “X” holds more weight than the attorney on file saying the same thing. After seeing these clips, the mediator will have the ammunition needed to go back to opposing counsel to get them to “move the money.”

“presenting these powerful clips at mediation helped me secure a larger settlement for my client."

Trial Attorney Chris Camastro, Finkelstein & Partners, LLC

Benefits of Mediations

Mediation saves time and money
While most court hearings are public, mediation remains strictly confidential.
Mediation is more likely to produce a result that is mutually agreed upon by all parties.
Compliance with the mediated agreement is high because the result is attained by both parties working together.
The fact that the parties are willing to mediate means that they are ready to work mutually toward a resolution.
Mediators are trained to support both parties and act as a neutral facilitator.
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