$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
In our experiences with attorneys and law firms, one of the most frustrating aspects of litigation and trial preparation are relying on both medical and non-medical entities to deliver subpoenaed records to the courthouse on time, and verifying that they are properly certified for use during trial.
Our professional records specialists will save you valuable time, space and money by scanning and copying any and all subpoenaed records, discs or films filed with the court regarding your matter, so that you are prepared for trial. We utilize the most up-to-date computer and imaging technology available in order to provide you with high-quality, digital versions of the records that can be bate numbered for easy sharing and identification.
We contact the courthouse where your case is pending to find out their procedures and policies for viewing and scanning subpoenaed records.
We review the records at the courthouse to not only confirm that the requested records have arrived, but that they are properly certified for use as exhibits in trial.
We scan the records into PDF format, so that they can be digitally transferred for your review from the comfort of your home or office.
$5.6M Verdict | Tractor-Trailer Crash | New York This is a distracted driving case involving a tractor-trailer driver’s choice to ignore road
$3.5M Settlement | Construction | New York This case involves the failure of a general contractor/property owner to ensure that their subcontractor’s
$12.75M Settlement | Premises Liability | Pennsylvania This case involves a delivery driver who fell approximately nine feet from an elevated platform
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